Natya Yoga for Dancers

Natya Yoga
for Flamenco Dancers
Have you ever had a back thought about the state of your feet? Ankles? Knees?
Ever experienced that "get me some relief" feeling after the class?
Flamenco is known for its "fast and hard" footwork. At the same time the upper body of the dancer typically moves in a constrained manner, which together gives an easy-to-recognize body sensation.
Natya Yoga for Flamenco dancers focuses primarily on strengthening the dancers's legs and core, providing exercise for the muscles not commonly engaged during rehearsals.
We have put together 6 sequences - vinyasas, that work with different muscle chains, forming healthy movement patterns.
During classes we learn the vinyasas one by one gradually building up the complexity of asanas. Accent on the breathing energises the body of the practitioner.
Meet the Instructor
I'm Oleksandra Moiseieva
Flamenco dancer, teacher, yoga practitioner of 14 years.
Co-creator and instructor of Natya Yoga for Flamenco Dancers. Flamenco Instructor of the Ukrainian Dance Federation, trainee at the Yogis Without Borders team.
Originally from Kharkiv, Ukraine, living currently in Vancouver, Canada.
I am passionate about Flamenco, Yoga and teaching. The depth and beauty of the two traditions are pushing me for ongoing learning and exploration.
Reach me on the social networks: